Service Up

InBox SurveyResubmit

Version 7.0.1

Creation date 24/04/2019


The purpose of this module is to resubmit the satisfaction survey email to the customer if they have not yet responded after the number of days chosen.



The following versions of ZNuny Framework are supported:

  • [7.0.x]


The following modules are required:

  • InBox Core 7.0.1 or superior

Operating System

The following operating systems are required:

  • [None]

Third Party Software

The following third party software is required:

  • Survey 7.0.0


The following browsers is required:

  • [Chrome]

  • [Mozilla]


bin/ Admin::Package::Install /path/to/InBox\ SurveyResubmit-7.0.0.opm


Creating a New Satisfaction Survey

In "Admin" -> "System Configuration" search for: "Survey::SendPeriod" and add the value 0.

To use the module it is necessary to add a new satisfaction survey. To do this, after installing the "Survey" module, go to: "Survey" -> "New" in the top menu of the screen, and add the survey of interest.

After creating the survey and corresponding questions, go to: "Survey" -> "Overview" and change your survey status to the "Master" option.

Setting up email for resubmit

In "Admin" -> "System Configuration" search for: "SurveyResubmit###Email".

Enter the resubmit email address and save.

Choosing the period for resubmission of the satisfaction survey

In "Admin" -> "System Configuration" search for: "SurveyResubmit###Period".

Enter the number of days you want to resubmit the satisfaction survey and save:

Choosing the number of times to resubmit the satisfaction survey

In "Admin" -> "System Configuration" search for: "SurveyResubmit###Limits".

Enter the number of times you want to resubmit the satisfaction survey and save:

To always resend, set the limit to 0.

Enable survey resubmission

In "Admin" -> "System Configuration" search for: "SurveyResubmit###Resubmit".

Select the "Enabled" option to activate the satisfaction survey resubmission.

Default value: Enabled.

Filter search resubmission by Customer

In "Admin" -> "System Configuration" search for: "SurveyResubmit###CustomerFilter".

Click + and enter the Customer ID to filter resubmission of surveys according to the Customer ID associated with the ticket.

If you want to send to all customers, leave the configuration blank.

Filter search resubmission by ticket type

In "Admin" -> "System Configuration" search for: "SurveyResubmit###TicketTypeFilter".

Click + and enter the ticket type to filter the resubmission of searches according to the ticket type.

Filter search resubmission by set date

In "Admin" -> "System Configuration" search for: "SurveyResubmit###DateFilter".

Set a date to resubmit surveys that have a submission date later than the configured date. Default date: 01/01/2021.


Using the module

After performing the above settings, the module will be working correctly.